“Play is simple, but profound” – anonymous
Unfortunately, society has been unfair to the concept of play. Play-based learning have been quickly classified as a form of brain candy with no correlation with serious learning. This is a wrong assumption because playing and learning go hand in hand.
Games and toys have been the heart and soul of children for centuries. They have been the source of entertainment, fun, and learning across cultures. They not only help a child enjoy an activity but also develop his/her personality in a positive way at the same time.
When a child is pushing a car, or playing with a LEGO set, his/her imagination, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills are developed simultaneously. It is not JUST about having fun.
When a child encounters something while playing, he/she recognizes the cause-effect relationship. “If I do this, this happens” is quickly established in the brain. Then follows experimentation, driven by curiosity, helping them understand the concept of trial and error.
The more children play with a wide range of games and toys of various types, their creativity, thinking patterns, cognitive ability increase exponentially.
Bring back the games to where they belong – The center of your child’s life and learning cycle.